Shiro to Kuro no Alice 白と黒のアリス – Nello


Nello (CV: Shimono Hiro) is an easy-going merchant who often visits the castle. He’s good friends with Kanon and often has tea parties with him.

Chapter 1


Airi is still wants to go home and can’t get used to this new life of hers. Nello comes to visit her and notices she looks down, so he shows her a drink that says “drink me”. He tells her to drink it and he drinks one as well. Whem they do, they both turn super tiny and the world in front of them looks huge. Airi is surprised and Nello is happy he was able to cheer her up since he thinks her smile looks cute. He tells her about the three different hierarchies and how Alice is the firstand most powerful. Both Rain and Nello are in the second hierarchy. After that, they turn back to normal and he leaves before Rain gets back.

A few days later, Nello sneaks into Airi’s room again and invites her to a tea party to cheer her up. They use the same shrinking medicine to sneak out and Nello brings her to his home where they set up the tea party. Soon Kanon and Latte arrive who were also invited and they all enjoy tea together. Airi tries some of Nello’s carrot tea (cause he’s a rabbit) but finds it gross but hopes someday she can get accustomed to it. After that, she thanks Nello for inviting her out since it cheered her up and Nello brings her back to her room.

More time passes; Airi has another trial where a boy stole bread because he was hungry and can’t find any work. Airi at first deems him innocent but Rain chimes in to tell them that her judgement isn’t over. So Airi sentences him to imprisonment but if he can work for the amount of bread he stole, he’ll be freed. After that, Rain lectures her for immediately deeming the criminal not guilty. Airi feels more like shit because of this and starts wanting to go home more and more. She starts crying because of it all and this catches Rain off guard. He awkwardly leaves to make tea and when he comes back, he tries to get Airi to eat but she tells him she’s not hungry.


When Rain leaves, Nello appears again and greets Airi. She straight up just starts crying in front of him, telling him that she wants to leave and she’s not fit to be a queen. So, Nello suggets he help her go back to the white world. He takes her out of her room and suddenly Rain appears. Nello manages to hide Airi at first but before Rain leaves, he comes back and spots Airi. So the two of them run out of the castle and hide between bushes as trump soldiers run after them. They won’t attack so as long as Airi is near him, so Nello makes the plan to carry Airi in his arms and run over the castle gate.

Chapter 2

When they arrive to Nello’s acquaintance place, they’re greeted by a merchant named Asagi who claims to have known Nello for a while now. Airi explains the situation to him and asks id there’s a way to get back to he white world with the mirror guards Dam and Dee. Asagi tells her there’s a way, but he’ll need to prepare. In additon, he asks that she compensate with her blood which she does. So, Nello stays with Asagi since he can’t go outside woth the risk of being caught. Airi feels bad about this since he’s now essentially a criminal because of her but he tells her not to worry about it since this was his decision. As he leaves to get tea for Airi, she notices he dropped his knife and gives it back to him. She asks what its for, but he gets kinda distant and says its none of her concern.

When he comes back, they enjoy tea together and Airi gets tired. He tells her to lay on the sofa and he pats her head as she sleeps. Airi makes a comment that it seems like something a lover would do and Nello gets all flustered about it. Airi tells him she assumed he was popular and had a girlfriend but he tells her he never has and its probably because he has a little sister thats similar to Airi. Eventually, Airi falls asleep and dreams of her friends whos names she’s starting to forget.

One day, Nello brings back ingredients so he and Airi can prepare a meal together. All he buys is meat and carrots though so Airi decides to manage with what they have and get Nello to cut the carrots and meat. When she says he’s skilled using a knife, he brings up how his sister used to often say that. He didn’t have parents and grew up with just him and his sister. Apparently his sister is in bad health though so he doesn’t see her often. Airi thanks him for telling her about himself and says she’d like to know more about him. Soon Asagi appears and the whole mood changes, with no one saying a word.

A few days later, Nello goes to and from Asagi’s place and is much more busy trying to get by unnoticed. When he greets Airi, she happily waits for him to come back. He gives her a magical book thats popular among children and Airi gets sulky that he’s treating her like a child. He then teases her and asks if she’d like to be treated more like an adult, which makes her embarrassed. He then tells her she’s wrong though and he thinks she’s important too and not just because she’s similar to his sister. He then tells her that Asagi’s preparations are going smoothly and that she’ll be able to go back to her world soon.

That night, Nello leaves again and Airi is alone together with Asagi. They tell her to not go outside the windows. Although, they hear a sound from outside and Airi sees a dead body of a soldier. She’s shocked by it but Asagi’s reaction is so calm that she wonders if its common for people to die in the black world. So, Asagi tells Airi that they’ll be able to get her back to the white world in about 4 days. The next morning, Nello comes back and Airi mentions what happened. Nello tells her death isn’t common in thr black world, but it isn’t unusual. He also tells her not to get so close to Asagi since she’s so easily trusting to others. However, Airi tells him that if he’s acquainted with him then she trusts him. Nello gives a pained laugh but tells her not to change that way of thinking no matter what happens.

Chapter 3

The next day, Asagi discusses the plans to Nello and Airi. He tells them they’re going to have a coup which will help rid the soldiers in the castle and make an opening. However, to do so Asagi tells Airi she must give up her role as Queen and transfer her power to Asagi and Nello as kings. So, Airi agrees to do ao while Nello silently complies. On the actual day, Airi tells Nello she feels lonely thinking she won’t see Nello again. However, Nello tells her he actually wants to go to the white world himself since unlike Asagi, he’s not interested in the black world anymore. So he tells her that they’ll head to the white world together.

Once they go outside, the meeting time for Asagi is late so they have no choice but to wait. Unfortunately, they’re caught by a soldier and have no choice but to run. They soon hear an explosion from Asagi and realize thats the signal. So they head towards the castle and Nello mercilessly cuts down a soldier, surprising Airi. When they make it to the castle entrance, a soldier injures Nello. After cutting the soldier down, he starts losing a lot of blood as they make it to the castle. He then asks Airi if he can drink her blood since it’ll give him strength. So she undoes her collar and allows him to drink her blood. After he does, he shows her that his wound disappeared thanks to her blood. But before they can leave, a soldier appears and calls out to Nello. He yells at him saying he’s no merchant but an executioner. When hearing this, Airi finds herself in shock. But Nello tells her he’s going to end this quickly and tells her to go to sleep for now. So he knocks her out and swiftly kills the soldier.


When Airi wakes up, she’s in her bed in the white world. She’s woken up by her friends Nazuna and Miu and they tell her to get to class. Even though Airi feels a sense of incongruity, she gets up and gets ready for school. During lunch, Airi’s friends discuss the killings to women that are going on which have strangely no witnesses. After that, Airi is out of it after class so she has to clean the classroom after school. When she does, she meets Nello there. She feels like she’s met him before and Nello says he had the same feeling. The next day in class, Miu and Nazuna try and get Airi tell them if she likes Nello. In the end, Nello asks to talk with Airi and confesses his feelings to her. He asks if they can start dating and she says yes. She confesses she loves him too and he embraces her saying he’s relieved she said yes since he was super nervous. After that, he takes her home but leaves saying he has some things to do.

The next day, Airi tells Nazuna and Miu she and Nello started dating and they immediately congratulate her. She has a planned date with Nello so he meets him after school. They go on their date together and hang out at shops and see a movie. Nello speaks in a dark voice and tells Airi he wishes they could stay that way forever but then goes back to his usual self. When Nello drops her off, Airi sees Kanon but doesn’t recognize who he is. He tells her that only he’s able to enter their “time” but she must find the truth and she’s the only one who can save Nello. Otherwise she’ll never escape and Nello won’t be able to escape from his sins either.

Chapter 4

When Airi goes to school she hears from Miu that Nazuna isn’t answering her room so they go to try and call her out. When they do, they get worried she may have gotten caught up in an incident due to the murders lately and get worried. Nazuna soon appears though and explains she was late getting home because there was another murder last night and tons of police blocking her way back. During this time, Airi realizes she’s forgotten something important and strives to remember what it was.

That evening, Airi meets Nello after school who can tell she seems off. She tells him she feels like she needs to remember something. However, he tries to convince her it may be better for her not to worry about it. But she’s persistant in remembering since it may be a way to save someone. After that, Nello walks Airi to her dorm and leaves again. Airi feels like if she let’s him leave, she won’t understand what she’s forgetting. So she runs after him and tries to find him in the city. When she does find him, he’s soaked with blood and there’s a knife in his hand.


Its then Airi starts to remember that she met Nello in the black world. Nello mutters he’s been found out and tells her that if she didn’t, they could’ve stayed happily together. Not that it matters anyway because apparently thanks to the power of her blood, she made her forget. In addition, he also made it so she’ll forget any painful memories that occur. Airi demands to know why he’s killing people and he tells her he needs their blood. He uses his magic knife to suck the blood out of their bodies. At first Airi thinks it’s because their blood contains “Alice”, but apparently its just ordinary blood. In addition, the one who was killing young girls was Nello.

Airi asks for what purpose he needs this blood for what purpose he needs this blood for and he says money (literally its blood money haha wtf man). He mixes regular blood with Airi’s blood and mass produces it to make profit and sell it. Airi asks why he can’t just use her blood instead of killing people but he tells her that people would know of the blood was diluted with water so its easier to mass produce it that way. Finally, Airi asks if he was just using her and he says he was and that everything was for the sake of obtaining her blood. As he leaves, Airi chases after him and says she doesn’t believe it was just money he wanted. And that even though he killed, he still helped her.

Nello calls her a fool for believing him and tells her to quit the farce of him being his boyfriend. But Airi is persistant to understand and then mutters the word “executioner” which the soldier said before they came to the white world. Nello begins to explain that thats the origin of his family and an executioner is someone who kills the people who the queen judges guilty of the death penalty. Because of this, killing was in his nature and so basically decided he’d make a living out of it and it became easier when he accepted it. So, Nello has always been born a murderer.

After he runs away, Kanon appears and tells Airi that Nello has used magic in order to block the passage to and from the black and white world so there would be no interference. However, because his magic has weakened, he was able to make it there and Rain has most likely made it to the black world too. So Airi and Kanon look for Nello and find him fighting with Rain. Airi calls out to Nello and he grabs her and uses her as a shield, holding a knife to her neck. He demands for Kanon and Rain to go back to the black world or he’ll kill Airi. However, Rain knows he won’t kill Airi because she’s necessary for his plan.

Rain then begins to explain that Asagi has taken over the castle after his coup and has many followers with him. He offered them “Alice’s” blood and told them they would no longer be categorized by class or blood. However, the blood he gave them was the blood mixed together with human blood. So Asagi will be able to rule people through the blood of “Alice” and make sure there’s no class system so everyone is equal. And Airi’s purpose is basically to become a doll that gives blood. Rain tries to tell him to stop since he also knows its the sake of his sister, but he tells him to shut up. Nello starts to drink Airi’s blood again and uses the power to teleport both Rain and Kanon away.


Nello then forces Airi back to the black world with him since the white world is no longer safe. When they make it there, Dam and Dee were killed along with some soldiers by Nello. Airi begs Nello to stop killing but he tells her he can’t stop now. She keeps saying she doesn’t want him to kill though and he yells at her to shut up and cuts at her neck. He then starts drinking her blood more intense than before. Airi manages to push him away though and asks what he plans to so next. So he tells her he’s going to report to Asagi and drags her along with him.

Chapter 5

After that, Nello takes Airi to his home for now since Asagi is doing things elsewhere. Airi tries to bring up Nello’s sister and asks him where she is and what happened to her. Finally, he bews some tea and tells Airi about his past. He wasn’t close with his parents and lived as a low status and both him and his sister were taken in by Asagi when they were young. In exchange, they had to work under him. And when his sister got sick, Asagi promised him he’d cure her illness so as long as he did as he was told. However, Asagi won’t allow Nello to see her until he fulfills his purpose. Which is why he tells Airi he can’t fail no matter what. Airi suddenly pats his head and tells him he really had worked hard to live and the sake of his sister. Nello is shocked she’s praising him but she tells him that she really does loves him, no matter what he’s done. She tells him that even if she’s to become a doll that gives blood, she wants to see the “real Nello” until the end.

A few days pass and Airi is still cooped up in Nello’s home. She asks Nello about his sister who’s name was Mia and shows her one of her favorite books she read. Nello apologizes for keeping her locked inside his home but due to Asagi’s orders he can’t take her outside. She tells him its fine since she can see his kindness and Nello asks what the heck she’s so trusting of him and likes him after all he’s done. But alas, she wants to believe him and say everything rather than not saying it. So he hugs her closely and asks to stay that way for a while. As days pass, Airi wishes they could stay that way forever (girl wtf kind of life you wanna live ok) but unfortunately Nello tells Airi the bed news about the “chair” being made to extract her blood and she’ll be handed over to Asagi.


So both Nello and Airi spend their last day having a tea party together. Airi tells him that she really does love him and is glad she was able to get to know all sides of him (are you sure???). But then Nello hugs her closely and starts telling her he doesn’t want her to die and he doesn’t want to hand her over to Asagi. Airi thanks him and says in her mind that she’s happy. That night, Nello asks to sleep with her and promises not to do anything weird. Airi, clearly embarrassed, looks away from him and he tells her to look at him. He teases her for being cute then tells her he’s glad he met her. The next morning, Nello gets ready to bring Airi to Asagi. Although she pretends not to be scared, Nello tells her he can tell she is. But she tells him its fine if she becomes a blood cow cuz its for ur imouto!!!

However, when they try to make it to the castle, they’re knocked out by Minette and taken to his home. Apparently Rain, Kanon and the others trying to retake the castle have all gathered. When Airi wakes up, she meets with Rain in Minette’s room whetr Nello is tied up. There, Rain tells Nello the truth of his sister and what he overheard when sneaking into the castle. Apparently when Nello was young and told Asagi his sister was ill, she was already dead at the time. So he lied and said he’d cure her when in reality she was dead the entire time. Nello can hardly believe it though since everything he’s done was the sake for his sister. So he asks to be alone for a while and everyone leaves the room. That night, Airi visits Nello in his room who’s at a lost for what to do since really, the reason Airi was being taken to Asagi was for the purpose of saving his sister. Nello admits he even killed his best friend at the order of Asagi and doesn’t know if to believe what Rain said is true. So Airi comes up with (a stupid idea imo) to go to Asagi’s house and see if its really true that his sister is dead (눈_눈).

Chapter 6

Once they make it to Asagi’s place, they read his diary (idk why the hell he’d have a diary tbh) and find out his sister really was dead and he buried her in the garden. Nello immediately leaves to go look and soon gets caught by guards. Airi tries to hide but ends up getting caught by Asagi and taken away. Nello is taken to a prison in the castle and finally cries for the first time in forever and says aloud he wants to see Airi and realizes its his fault Airi got caught and feels guilty he was going to use her for the sake of saving his sister. Soon Kanon appears to help him and asks if he wants to save Airi which Nello immediately agrees to do so. Meanwhile, Airi is being kept in her room as she waits for Asagi to take her. When he arrives, he admits to using Nello due to the similaries they had. Soon, he takes Airi to her throne which will extract her blood. But before she’s forced to sit in it, Nello appears. He and Rain’s men have already attacked the castle to retake it.


So both Asagi and Nello begin to fight. Asagi has the upper hand so Airi decides to give him her blood. Thanks to that, Nello is able to overpower Asagi and kill him. Finally, Nello admits to Airi he hated killing and will never be able to atone for all he’s done. But Airi tells him she’ll carry his sins with her too since it was her lineage that had the death penalty in the first place. After that, a party is held in celebration of overtaking the castle from Asagi. They hadn’t seen each other often since its harder for them to meet but she tells him she wants to be with him no matter what. One day, with Rain’s permission, she stays over at Nello’s place and they sleep together. Airi thinks of what to do next and what life she wants to live.


White end


Airi still wants to live in the white world. However, she decides to fulfill her duty as queen since she knows she can’t leave either way. As time passes, Airi must judge Asagi’s minions in court. But she can’t do it knowing Nello would have to be the one to execute them. As Airi feels guilty of this, Nello tries to tell her he can’t escape his fate. The next day, Nello sees his best friend that died and flips out. He has no memory of him though and finds out after drinking a lot of Airi’s blood he had a power within him awakened. Apparently its a power that can reverse and revive essentially. So basically Nello is god himself jk. But he can only do it to things he’s come in contact with (so no he cant bring back his sister). In the end, he uses this power to reverse Luna’s “Alice” that had gone out of control. Thanks to that, Airi goes back to the white world with Nello. In the epilogue, Nello goes on a 3 year journey to bring back the people he’s killed (wtf is this even) and then comes back to reunite with Airi when he’s done…. Okay?????

Black end


Airi decides her role is in the black world and is eager to become a good queen. However, Asagi’s minions need to be punished so there lies the problem of Nello executing them. Airi talks with Nello about any other way but Nello tells her that they need to be judged or else it causes the people to distrust the royal family. Nello was considered innocent though because of the contents of Asagi’s diary stating he was being used and inhaling his cigarette smoke made him more crazy. On the day of the trial, Airi decides to abolish the death penalty and sentences them all to imprisonment. Thanks to this, Nello is no longer an executioner. The people are skeptical at first, but soon cheer for Airi as the new queen when she finishes her speech. Rain then gives Nello the job of doing half of his work as a queen’s aide since he’s so busy. In the epilogue, Airi takes a stroll with Nello as her new aide and he gives her a kiss.

Bad Black end

Airi stays in the black world but can’t become a proper queen. So she decides to awaken to her “Alice” powers but that ends up backfiring because she craves too much blood and ends up going mad anyway.

Bad White end

Airi decides she wants to go back to her world so she tells Nello. They try to sneak into the mirror but Rain catches them and immediately stops them. In the end, Nello is killed but he manages to throw Airi into the mirror and break it so she can make it there alone. After that, Airi loses her mind and has tea with an imaginary Nello in her head while her friends watch her lose her marbles.

Bad End 1


Airi lets Nello drink her blood and refuses to resist him or hate him. This basically drives Nello insane and he walks up to Airi saying he loves her before stabbing her in the chest and killing her (wow, nice).

Bad End 2


Nello doesn’t feel qualified to help Airi and decides not to help when Kanon tries to get him to save her. So Airi ends up becoming a blood cow essentially and loses her sense of awareness while everyone worships her lifeless doll body.

Thoughts: Ehhhhhhhhh fuck this route with a large stick. I know I’m supposed to feel bad for this guy but I don’t buy it. Not only was this route predictable (I just kneeeeeewww what was going to happen next and of course AIRI FALLS FOR IT) but I COULD NOT STAND THE WAY AIRI ACTED IN THIS ROUTE. She continuously pushed her feelings onto this crazy mofo and he rejected her over and over yet she loves this murderer for some reason I can’t figure out why. He was nice YES HE WAS NICE TO YOU BECAUSE HIS GOAL WAS TO GIVE YOU TO ASAGI TO SAVE HIS SISTER. He was so fucking desperate to save his sister he was going to sacrifice Airi for it. Yeah, thats REAL romantic and Airi just fucking ACCEPTED IT. SHE LITERALLY WOULD HAVE JUST LET IT HAPPEN AND STILL LOVED HIM. Even had to confirm it by ENDANGERING Airi and himself because of Airi’s brilliant idea to go to Asagi’s place and get caught in the process. Oh, yes you must’ve loved your sister a TON yet you couldn’t figure out that your sister has been dead for fucking YEARS and it took you that fucking long to figure out that the guy you were working under was a piece of shit that was using you.  (┛ಠДಠ)┛彡┻━┻ Like, even Rain pointed out IT SEEMS KINDA STRANGE THAT HE WOULDNT LET YOU SEE YOUR (DEAD) SISTER UNTIL YOU DID WHAT HE ASKED. LIKE, I THINK THAT RIGHT THERE RAISES SOME RED FLAGS.

He may have grown up to be a killer because that was his job, I get it, but hell no that don’t justify his actions. Also his white end was such a fucking joke. He magically gets powers to revive people so he’s able to atone for his sins and live in the white world BECAUSE HE BROUGHT THEM BACK TO LIFE!!! WHAT??? NELLO IS GOD??? WoOAOHOh!!! Yes, let’s just make up for the fact he’s a murderer and let him revive those who he killed. SUch a cop out ending like what the actual fuck.  Ok like no, I’m sorry, if this was Luna she would think this guy is craaycrayyy and gtfo. I get Airi is supposed to be the overly accepting heroine but this is ridiculous like this guy has murdered countless people and yet she’s so easily accepting of him and not afraid of him??? You barely know the guy and you just assume he’s nice cuz he pretended to be nice to you for a sole purpose???? It just didn’t make sense to me. How the fuck would you not be afraid of a murderer, either. Ok……… end my rant…… this route just didn’t sit well with me. There were so many things wrong with it imo and I reaaaaally think there were ways it could’ve been handled better.

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