Olympia Soiree オランピアソワレ – Review/Summary


The heroine is known as ‘Olympia’ and is a rare remaining [white] of her clan. She has a sort of a pet named Daifuku and is originally from a place called Tenyou island which is where her kind lived and worshiped the sun god Amaterasu. She now lives on Tenguu island where the rest of the [colors] reside and must pick a mate of a certain color at the age of 18 to continue her [white] lineage.

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Side Kicks! サイドキックス – Common Route


Set in the USA in California, a city called Sakurada. The heroine, Inori, is scouted into a special investigation called SideKicks with an ability to see visions of the future. It’s within the SPD (Sakurada Police Department) and a group with members of unique skills. An addictive drug known as ‘Ripcord’ has been related to a series of cases. For the sake of maintaining order in the city, SideKicks was created.

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