Variable Barricade – Ichiya Mitsumori


Ichiya (CV: Toriumi Kousuke) is the so-called “flirt” of the candidates that continuously comes up with cliche catchphrases that don’t effect Hibari whatsoever. He is the most skilled in cooking and continuously conjures up special menus for Hibari for her every meal. He’ll make her something exotic or super fancy according to what he believes her tastes are. However, this ends up driving Hibari nuts when all she wants to do is eat normal food rather than this fancy stuff that Ichiya comes up with.

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Variable Barricade – Common Route/True Route + Final Thoughts


Hibari lives in a rich household and is close with her butler who is basically her caretaker. She starts her first day of school at an all girl’s academy. After school, she encounters four mysterious men that all ask her to marry them. Super confused, Hibari is sent back home with her butler, Kasuga. She talks to her strict grandfather who tells her that he decided on these marriage candidates for her so that they have a man worthy of taking over the Tojo name. Hibari is completely against it but her grandfather is relentless and tells her she needs to face reality. So she’s taken to a villa where the four men are staying.

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Cendrillon PalikA – Common Route + Final Thoughts


The heroine, Hairi lives in a place called “Toukyo” which is a cursed town that she’s always wanted to leave and see the outside of. However, you cannot leave the city without wearing glass. But you’ll turn into glass yourself and die if you do not return before midnight. Hairi one day tries on some glass slippers after she’s told by someone they would suit her. She promises to someday buy them and as she continues to live in the same town, she encounters a wizard. He offers her the glass slippers saying she will be the key to undo the curse.

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Psychedelica of The Black Butterfly 黒蝶のサイケデリカ – Summary/Review


I don’t usually write out one post summaries/reviews but this game was very scattered. Even if you did one route, there would be CGs and scenes in a separate short story. So in the end, I decided I’d just write up a review/summary in one post. So, obvious spoilers under the cut.

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